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Gualala River

New publication: “FoGR Monthly”

FoGR Monthly, March, 2021

FoGR is excited to tell you about a new monthly publication, “FoGR Monthly,” that will detail different places along the Gualala River to visit. Each month will have a participation feature like a contest or list an upcoming event. It will feature different types of outdoor activities and where you can do them. Click on the image below to download …

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Far North THP Documents

Adult Steelhead, by Peter Baye

The Far North timber harvest plan (THP 1-20-00150-MEN) was filed by Gualala Redwood Timber in September, 2020. The plan calls for logging redwood trees in 227 acres of the headwaters of the Little North Fork of the Gualala River. The plan was approved by the California Department of Forestry and Fire protection (CDF, also known as CalFire) in February, 2021. …

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Save the Redwoods League Protects Nearly 15,000 Acres in Mendocino County

Save the Redwoods League press release Feb. 9, 2021 [excerpt:] Save the Redwoods League today announced the successful protection of Mailliard Ranch, a 14,838-acre property in southern Mendocino County and the largest coast redwood forest left in private family hands. The $24.7 million project secures three conservation easements across the entire property, which safeguard the land from subdivision and development, …

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River mouth opens on Dec. 27, 2020

  The mouth of the Gualala River opened to the ocean on Sunday, Dec. 27, 2020 at ~11:30am, reconnecting the important lagoon fish rearing habitat for out-migrating salmonids, synchronized with suitable stream conditions for returning spawners. This is a high tide, high swell, low-energy breach condition in the photos. When the lagoon is full and it breaches on a low …

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Why are salmon dying?
The answer washed off the road

Adult coho salmon

When we think of timber road runoff threats, we habitually think of fine sediment, indirectly affecting coho (and steelhead) by habitat degradation. But this is direct acute mortality by rubber tire chemicals. A new wrinkle on wheeled vehicles operating on rough, abrasive gravel haul roads. – FoGR by Erik Stokstad Science  04 Dec 2020: Vol. 370, Issue 6521, pp. 1145 …

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Introducing our 2020 FoGR Newsletter

We are excited! This annual newsletter is packed with news about the successes in Friends of Gualala River’s (FoGR’s) work in the watershed this past year: from the progress of our lawsuits (yes, we have two separate suits against egregious logging plans!) and the fundraising efforts to support them, to the many education and outreach projects we’ve undertaken to increase …

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2020 Message from Charlie Ivor, President of FoGR

Charlie Ivor

In a year of continued pressure on species of plants and animals around the world from climate change and local land use practices, members of Friends of Gualala River continue to organize to protect our beautiful watershed from impacts from egregious logging plans. We want to reverse these impacts and help our river overcome decades of pressure on all the …

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In Memory of Rick Jackson

Rick Jackson

This annual newsletter is dedicated to the memory of Friends of Gualala River Vice President Richard “Rick” Jackson who passed away on October 27, 2020 from complications of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Rick joined FoGR’s board in early 2017 at a crucial time when the volunteer organization was undergoing a transition and needed a serious boost in leadership to face the many …

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Brief update on FoGR’s legal actions

Help Us Reach Our Goal

by Jeanne Jackson November, 2020 Friends of Gualala River (FoGR) appealed the most recent ruling on the Dogwood THP (Timber Harvest Plan) to the state appeals court. Attorney Edward Yates represents FoGR. Briefs are in to the three-judge panel. Yates estimates we will know the judges’ decision by the end of the year if Gualala Redwood Timber (GRT) doesn’t request …

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Topographic Model Exhibit

Topographic Model - design

Friends of Gualala River is proposing to build a powerful interactive educational exhibit for the public to learn more about the river, its history, and the complex ecosystem that makes its home in the watershed. Friends of Gualala River (FoGR) is hoping that one or more of our supporters would like to fund a truly worthy project. FoGR is proposing …

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FoGR Acts to Protect the Wheatfield Fork

Haupt Creek gate, 2020

Friends of Gualala River takes action to protect the Gualala River from damage caused by all-terrain vehicles. For more than a decade, Friends of Gualala River (FoGR) has called attention to the harm caused by driving in the river. Many community members are aware of FoGR’s long-standing public education campaign about the damage that off-road vehicles cause the river’s ecosystem, …

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Chris Poehlmann Receives an “Environmentalist of the Year” Award

Chris Poehlmann

Friends of Gualala River (FoGR) is pleased to announce that the Sonoma County Conservation Council (SCCC) has recognized Chris Poehlmann, FoGR president emeritus, with the 2020 Ernestine I. Smith Environmentalist of the Year award in the category of Forest Champion. Chris was one of three recipients of this year’s award, along with Rick Coates, director of Forest Unlimited and wildlife …

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Connecting with the Community: the work of the Education and Outreach Committee

Heermann's Gull - on FoGR's twitter feed

(members: Chris Poehlmann, Lynn Walton, Pat Maxwell, Nathan Ramser, Rachael Klapko, Brody Klapko, Laura Baker, Chair) When the Friends of Gualala River (FoGR) Education and Outreach Committee formed 4 years ago, we came together over the idea that providing the Gualala River watershed community with good factual, science-based information was key to the success of protecting the river and its …

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Learning more about Gualala River:
Why should I bother?

Charlie Ivor on video

by Shirley Brice Heath What follows here is a series of videos that help answer this and other questions. More inquiries that easily come to mind when folks hear the name “Friends of Gualala River” may be obvious. Some ask: “So why does a river need ‘friends?’” And others ask: “And why, in particular, does Gualala River need ‘friends?’” This …

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Environmentalist of the Year: Long-time FoGR activist, Chris Poehlmann

Chris Poehlmann, 2011

Chris Poehlmann, a long-time active member and President Emeritus of Friends of Gualala River (FoGR), will be recognized as an “Environmentalist of the Year” by the Sonoma County Conservation Council (SCCC) and the Sierra Club Sonoma Group at their annual awards event on December 4, 2020 (held via Zoom this year). Congratulations, Chris! In announcing the awards, SCCC said, “2020 …

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Save the Gualala River, its redwood forest and its threatened and endangered species

Thank you donors! We’ve raised over half the funds needed for our Endangered Species Act lawsuit. Help us reach our funding goal and save the Gualala River, its redwood forest and its threatened and endangered species. “As Mother Earth faces climate change and growing numbers of species are going extinct, FoGR has a responsibility to speak for the threatened and …

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The Viewshed of Annapolis Road

by Chris Poehlmann, October, 2020 Two new plans have just been submitted to log the forest along Annapolis Road that will degrade large areas of the viewshed of one of our most treasured scenic roads. The view of the hills from Annapolis Road and adjacent to The Sea Ranch before and after “Twin Bridges” will be an eyesore for decades …

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Local and national conservation groups join forces, sue timber company over logging project

by Lana Cohen, The Mendocino Voice, September 25, 2020 [excerpt:] Two conservation groups, Friends of Gualala River, and the Center for Biological Diversity have filed a lawsuit in federal court against Gualala Redwood Timber Company. They claim the timber company’s planned timber harvest project in the Gualala River watershed violates the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). The suit was filed …

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