We are excited! This annual newsletter is packed with news about the successes in Friends of Gualala River’s (FoGR’s) work in the watershed this past year: from the progress of our lawsuits (yes, we have two separate suits against egregious logging plans!) and the fundraising efforts to support them, to the many education and outreach projects we’ve undertaken to increase our understanding of nature in the watershed. Take a few moments and check out the following articles that briefly give details about these ongoing successes, projects and events.
Notable in our past year: We lost a dear friend and Board member in October with Rick Jackson’s passing — you can read about Rick’s important contributions and dedication to FoGR. Together, he and his wife Jeanne (our Treasurer), have been stalwarts in our organization. Our current president, Charlie Ivor, has a lot to say via video on the state of the river and what impacts our forests are suffering during this historic drought, while our past President, Chris Poehlmann, became the recipient of the coveted Forest Champion Award from the Sonoma County Conservation Council.
Volunteers are the engine that drives FoGR, and the 25+ years of sustained efforts to protect our precious river have been accomplished with your help whether in dollars donated or direct action. We’re counting on you because our river, forest, and the species they sustain are counting on us. Stay tuned via our new social media outreach, check out our website, and join us for our January Earth Day webinar as we look forward to meeting the challenges of 2021.
So keep reading! And, please, consider a donation to FoGR. We are all locals working for you as volunteers, and we welcome your ideas, monetary donations, and willingness to join us. Everyone is welcome, appreciated, and needed!
December 2020 Newsletter articles:
- 2020 Message from Charlie Ivor, President of FoGR
- In Memory of Rick Jackson
- Brief update on FoGR’s legal actions
- Topographic Model Exhibit
- FoGR Acts to Protect the Wheatfield Fork
- Chris Poehlmann Receives an “Environmentalist of the Year” Award
- Connecting with the Community: the work of the Education and Outreach Committee
- Learning more about Gualala River: Why should I bother?
JanuaryEarth Day webinar with a fish biologist “Born with gills”