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Gualala River

2021 President’s Report: Imagine

For the modern day fly fisher, occasions for the hope of catching a wild steelhead or salmon are still alive. If you hook more than one or two in a day, you are having a great day. There was a time when, if you were wading in the river, you might have fish bumping into you as they navigated up …

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Report from FoGR’s Treasurer,
Jeanne A. Jackson

Gualala River floodplain near the County Park

As an all-volunteer organization with very little overhead, Friends of Gualala River (FoGR) is able to utilize the donations we receive to further our mission, which is to protect the Gualala River, its watershed and the animals and native plants that live there. As FoGR has had to use legal means to help accomplish these goals, we actively fundraised in …

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Will the Gualala River Watershed receive the protection it deserves?

Adult coho salmon

By: FoGR Vice President, Lynn Walton Adult Steelhead, photo by Peter Baye For nearly a year Friends of Gualala River (FoGR) has been engaged in an effort to prompt the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board and the State Water Resources Control Board to perform their duty to incorporate the Gualala River’s Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for sediment …

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Education and Outreach Committee:
Looking Back over the Year

Mill Bend, photo by Bill Oxford

By Laura Baker, Chair Committee Members: Lynn Walton, Chris Poehlmann, Kenyon Rupnik, Ethan Arutunian, Peter Schmidt, Nathan Ramser, Pat Maxwell As with so many other organizations, Covid has challenged our committee to stay connected to one another as well as to the larger community. For the past year and a half our committee has been meeting virtually via Zoom. The …

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The 3-D Topographic Watershed Exhibit Now Funded!

Topographic Model - design

Topographic Model – design A green light was recently given to the proposed exhibit after generous private donations were received and the FoGR board and Sonoma County Regional Parks supplied the final lump sums to put the project’s funding drive over the top. The Topographical Model Exhibit will reside in the Gualala Point Regional Park visitors center and will be …

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A Weather Station for Gualala Point Visitors

by Kenyon Rupnik Friends of Gualala River (FoGR) and Sonoma County Regional Parks are sponsoring a weather station at the Gualala Point Visitors Center for your enjoyment of Gualala Point and Mill Bend. In our beautiful area, Gualala Point Regional Park is a top destination for outside activities. You can spy whales at Whale Point, enjoy the Visitors Center exhibits …

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Friends of Gualala River say they’ll sue to block approved ‘Little’ timber harvest plan

Gualala River floodplain

By J. Stephen McLaughlin November 19, 2021 © Copyright 2021 Independent Coast Observer Reprinted with permission www.mendonoma.com The local environmental advocacy group Friends of Gualala River on Monday notified federal and state agencies, in addition to Gualala Redwood Timber, LLC, that it intends to sue in U.S. District Court to block the so-called “Little” Timber Harvest Plan, alleging violations of …

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Redwoods Rising to the Sky

Are human logging actions affecting the adaptation and survival of this ancient species? by Robin Applegarth, Nov. 7, 2021 Reprinted by permission Redwoods Path, Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash OUR CAR BUMPED DOWN A DIRT ROAD, descending into a canyon of tall redwood trees. The sunlight lessened as deep forest and the canyon walls rose up around us. Thousands …

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Threats Made Against Protestors in
Jackson Demonstration State Forest

A letter to California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot, from the Environmental Protection Information Center, October 14, 2021 Dear Secretary Crowfoot, It is imperative that the State of California move to immediately calm tensions in the Jackson Demonstration State Forest. The past week has seen multiple threats directed at forest activists and the presence of private paramilitary security within …

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Climate Solution at Risk: The Endangered Forests of the Pacific Northwest

Forests of the Pacific Northwest and Southeast Alaska are critical to addressing the climate crisis, but they’re under threat of logging. April 19, 2021 Written and designed by Madeline Cowen & Chandra LeGue As our world faces the ongoing climate crisis, one of the most important things we can do is protect and restore forests in the Pacific Northwest and …

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FoGR Monthly: September, 2021

Friends of Gualala River (FoGR) is pleased to publish a new issue of our monthly publication, “FoGR Monthly: September, 2021.”  This month’s feature is Geography and Climate. Click on the image below to download the .pdf file (400 KB)

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Local environmental groups ask for emergency protections for Gualala River; halt to water drafting

by Chris McManus Independent Coast Observer August 20, 2021 Reprinted by permission © Copyright Independent Coast Observer, Inc. www.mendonoma.com Friends of Gualala River, along with Forest Unlimited in Forestville, on Monday sent a request to state and local officials asking that a regional state of emergency for the Gualala River watershed be proclaimed. This aerial view of the Gualala River …

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FoGR urges Regional State of Emergency for the Gualala River watershed

August 16, 2021 To:  California Department of Fish and Wildlife Charlton Bonham Director P.O. Box 944209 Sacramento, CA 94244-2090 From: Friends of Gualala River PO Box 1543 Gualala, CA 95445 info@gualalariver.org and: Forest Unlimited P.O. Box 506 Forestville, CA 95426 info@forestunlimited.org Re:       FoGR requests the following actions be taken immediately: 1) proclaim a Regional State of Emergency for the Gualala River watershed; …

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Gualala Estuary: Native Aquatic Vegetation versus Algal Blooms

Drought Changes in the Gualala River Estuary’s Summer Lagoon: Native Aquatic Vegetation versus Algal Blooms A virtual field trip with questions and answers – (more than you wanted to know) Friends of Gualala River, August 2021 Peter Baye, Ph.D, Coastal Ecologist, Botanist Question: What is all the green stuff in the Gualala River lagoon? Is it one of the “Harmful …

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Dogwood THP Update
from FoGR Board of Directors

Adult coho salmon

After years of trying, and succeeding, to stop the Timber Harvest Plan (THP) called “Dogwood,” the fight was lost this past week. Those of us who have put so much effort into stopping this terrible logging plan are so very disheartened by this. We mourn the loss of the Redwood trees, the damage to the floodplain of the river, and …

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CalFire’s Problematic Practice Violates CEQA

by Matt Simmons, August 3, 2021 Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) reprinted with permission Two weeks ago, we [EPIC] reported a troubling trend in timber harvest plan approvals. CalFire has been approving THPs prior to conducting necessary biological surveys for endangered, rare, and sensitive species. This practice prevents the public and state agencies like the Department of Fish and Wildlife …

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FoGR Monthly: August, 2021

Friends of Gualala River (FoGR) is pleased to publish a new issue of our monthly publication, “FoGR Monthly: August, 2021.”  This month’s feature is Sequoia Sempervirens – Coast Redwoods. Click on the image below to download the .pdf file (480 KB)

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Friends of Gualala River launch new lawsuit targeting logging on North Fork

by Chris McManus Independent Coast Observer July 23, 2021 Reprinted by permission © Copyright Independent Coast Observer, Inc. www.mendonoma.com As part of its Salmonid and Watershed Restoration Project, Friends of Gualala River has launched a new lawsuit, this one focused on the Gualala River’s North Fork in the watershed’s northwest corner, the only hydrologic area of the watershed that is …

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The Garcia: A River in Strong Recovery After a 30-Year Effort

by Craig Bell Forest & River News July 16, 2021 Craig Bell is a Garcia River watershed planner, as well as past President of the Salmonid Restoration Federation, former logger, commercial fisherman, and river guide. [excerpt:] The strong recovery we are witnessing today in the Garcia River is thanks to a 30-year effort that began in 1991 when Mendocino County …

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