The Far North timber harvest plan (THP 1-20-00150-MEN) was filed by Gualala Redwood Timber in September, 2020. The plan calls for logging redwood trees in 227 acres of the headwaters of the Little North Fork of the Gualala River. The plan was approved by the California Department of Forestry and Fire protection (CDF, also known as CalFire) in February, 2021.
Far North THP, 1-20-00150-MEN, (click to enlarge)
The documents for the approved timber harvest plan are available below. CDF’s standard procedure is to print out the plan documents, scan them, and post the images to their publicly accessible database, CalTREES. As a result, it is impossible to search the documents, because there are no words in the documents posted, only images of words.
In order to make the documents more useful, we have used optical character recognition (OCR) on the documents posted below, so that you can search them.
Far North THP Section 1 – [1 MB, 9 pages] Legal description: Cover pages, signatures.
Far North THP Section 2 – [10 MB, 105 pages] Operations: Silviculture, Yarding, Erosion Hazard Rating, Winter operations, Roads & landings, Watercourse & lake protections, Alternative Watercourse & lake protections (in lieu of standard rules), Wildlife observances & enforceable provisions, Maps
Far North THP Section 3 – [2 MB, 27 pages] Supporting materials: Analysis of Alternatives, Stand Descriptions & Silvicultural Methods, Roads on slopes > 50%, Road and landing construction on unstable soils or slide prone areas, Water courses and wet areas
Far North THP Section 4 – [9 MB, 102 pages] Cumulative Impacts: Past, present and future projects, assessment of cumulative watershed effects, soil productivity, biological resources, recreational, visual, traffic, greenhouse gas impacts, wildfire risks
Far North THP Section 5 – [16 MB, 174 pages] Attachments: Including soil erosion hazards, Erosion Control Plan, marbled murrelets, salmonid habitat survey, Northern Spotted Owl information
Far North THP Section 6 – [0.1 MB, 1 pages] Archeological information: (confidential)