Many applications have been filed to clear cut Sonoma County coastal redwood forest and plant wine grapes. The projects would permanently deforest large areas of wooded ridge tops. Once these redwood forests are removed, they will be lost forever. Our children and future generations will be the victims of this environmental offense.
California has laws ensuring that such projects do not cause environmental damage, but the Department of Forestry (CDF) is failing to enforce them. CDF is approving projects without the thorough analysis of environmental impacts required by law. To protect our forests, the Sierra Club and Friends of the Gualala River (FoGR) asked a judge to require the Department of Forestry to enforce the law.
In 2006, the court issued a stipulated judgment setting aside CDF’s approval of the projects. The court ruled that before CDF can consider these projects, it must prepare an Environmental Impact Report, so that potential adverse impacts can be considered, as California law requires.