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A Walk along the Wheatfield Fork

June 9, 2024
by a Friend of the Gualala River

We walked the Wheatfield Fork of the Gualala River under the second twin bridge off Annapolis Road. What a beautiful and peaceful walk!

We couldn’t photograph any birds as they were mostly in the canopy and quickly catching insects. However, we saw and heard the following: Black-headed grosbeak, red-breasted sapsucker, acorn woodpecker, Allen’s hummingbird, cliff swallows, Wilson’s warbler, Swainson’s Thrush, killdeer (including an eggshell from a killdeer), song sparrow, Pacific slope flycatcher, Pacific wren, Stellar’s jay and chestnut-backed chickadee.

Common Buckeye

And plenty of butterflies: Satyr commas, Western tiger swallowtail, common buckeye, Mylitta crescents and Echo Azure butterflies.

Echo Azure, sipping

Saw quite a few Exclamation damselflies. Didn’t see any reptiles or amphibians.

Exclamation damselfly

Plenty of wildflowers. The purple foxglove was about 10 feet tall. Have not seen these Cardinal catchfly flowers previously.

Cardinal Catchfly Flowers

Wonderful walk!