Friends of Gualala River is proud to sponsor the new film “Russian River: All Rivers, The Value of an American Watershed” on Tuesday, April 14th, 7:00 PM at the Arena Theater, 214 Main Street, Pt. Arena, CA.
Come meet the film makers and hear their story at this showing and be a part of an event that has been co-sponsored by an impressive line up of locally based groups concerned with our coastal environment.
For more about the film, visit the website:
and to make a reservation for a seat:
Mark Your Calendars
The Russian River: All Rivers
The Value of an American Watershed
Tuesday, April 14th
7:00 p.m.
Arena Theater
214 Main Street, Point Arena, CA
Please tell your coastal friends and family.
And share on Facebook…

“Water is the most critical resource issue
of our lifetime and our children’s lifetime.
The health of our waters is the principal
measure of how we live on the land.”
– Luna Leopold
Friends of Gualala River
Go Local Mendonoma Coast
Jeanne Jackson, Mendonoma Sightings
KGUA Radio
Moat Creek Managing Agency
Point Arena Lighthouse
Redwood Coast Land Conservancy
Redwood Coast Watersheds Alliance
The Conservation Fund