On Friday, June 13, 2014, Peggy Berryhill interviewed Richard Charter, long-time defender of the coast, on KGUA, 88.3 FM in Gualala, CA. Listen to the interview on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/kgua/richard-charter-ocean-santuary-613/
“An interview with the legendary Richard Charter about the NOAA hearings in Point Arena, Gualala and Bodega Bay on permanently protecting our ocean from Bodega Bay to Point Arena from oil drilling, fracking and any future mineral exploration. Charter spends his time between enjoying the ocean and working the halls in Washington DC. He is responsible (along with his “millions of friends” ) for stopping the proposed nuclear power plant in Bodega Bay, oil wells offshore in The Sea Ranch and Point Arena. He continues his work in developing the marine sanctuary off our local shores. Meet Richard Charter and for more information see: http://sanctuaryexpansion.org/
Attend the public hearings held by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) next week:
- Monday, June 16, 6pm Point Arena City Hall
- Tuesday, June 17, 6pm, Gualala Community Center
- Wednesday, June 18, 6pm, Bodega Bay Grange Hall