Home » River Issues » Water Export » Friends of the Gualala River: Petition to Stop the Waterbags

Friends of the Gualala River: Petition to Stop the Waterbags

Stop the Waterbags!
Sign our petition

Friends of the Gualala River and other coastal environmental groups are collecting signatures of people opposed to the waterbag scheme.

We need to show our elected officials and the regulatory agencies that there is widespread opposition to a scheme that would seriously damage the environment and the local economy for the benefit of a private corporation backed by Saudi, Japanese and Norwegian investors.

People do not need to be local (or even California residents) to be concerned about the waterbags, or to sign the petition.

Please print the petition, sign it, circulate it among people you know, and then return it to:

Friends of the Gualala River
P.O. Box 1543
Gualala, CA 95445

[We’d like to get contact information — full postal addresses, email addresses and/or phone numbers — so we can send follow-up information. But if you’re not comfortable providing that information, that’s okay. As long as we have name, city and state, that’s enough to indicate your support.]

Don’t let a multinational corporation suck the water out of the Gualala and Albion Rivers into giant plastic bags — Stop the Waterbags!

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