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FoGR – Gualala Municipal Advisory Council Resolution


Gualala Municipal Advisory Council

Resolution to State Water Resources Control Board Opposing Alaska Water Exports Permit for Diversion of Water from the Gualala River

Gualala Municipal Advisory Council

Whereas, the Gualala Municipal Advisory Council was established to advise the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors on planning issues and matters of public health, safety, welfare and public works; and

Whereas, resolutions of the Gualala Municipal Advisory Council do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors; and

Whereas, the Town of Gualala is committed to protecting its shoreline and its recreational river, for their continued enjoyment, natural beauty and intrinsic visual scenery; and

Whereas, the Town of Gualala depends on its natural resources and scenic beauty for the mainstay of its economic welfare; and

Whereas, the Town of Gualala depends on tourism and its ancillary service industries as the core elements of its commerce; and

Whereas, these environmental and economic attributes are threatened by any loss or impairment of the integrity and scenic value of the environment; and

Whereas, the diversion of over 8,000 acre feet per year of water from the Gualala River and its estuary is being contemplated by a commercial operation; and

Whereas, the diversion of the planned amount of water is more than 10 times the current annual draw from the Gualala River of both the Sea Ranch and North Gualala Water Company; and

Whereas, said commercial operation will require disturbing the river bed and positioning unsightly water bags in the near offshore waters of the town of Gualala; and

Whereas, the shipping of the water will require diesel watercraft to ply the near shore waters, with accompanying noise, lights, and diesel exhaust; and

Whereas, at least one listed endangered species, the Coho salmon, depends on the estuary for its restoration to harvestable levels; and

Whereas, the Gualala River is a vital resource to the Town of Gualala; and

Whereas, no consent from the community has been obtained to divert this vital resource; and

Whereas, the proposed water diversion intrinsically affects the public interest of the citizenry of the Town of Gualala; and is against the common interest and welfare of the community;

Therefore, the Gualala Municipal Advisory Council resolves and declares that

  1. The proposed water diversion threatens the intrinsic scenic beauty and recreational quality of the Gualala environment; and
  2. The scale and scope of the proposed diversion and its related activities will harm essential and vital economic resources of the region as a result of the negative impact on tourism; and
  3. The operation of the proposed diversion will create a public nuisance; and
  4. The proposed water diversion will compromise the restoration of economically valuable harvestable levels of salmon; and
  5. The proposed water diversion violates the will of the people and Gualala’s commitment to preserving and maintaining the environment and natural beauty of its regional boundaries; and
  6. The Gualala Municipal Advisory Council formally opposes the proposed water diversion by Alaska Water Exports and urges the State Water Resources Control Board to deny the permit for diversion of water by Alaska Water Exports on the Gualala River.

The foregoing Resolution introduced by Council member Neth, seconded by Council member Bardwell, and carried this 29th day of October, 2002, by the entire Council with the following vote:



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