“At Twin Bridges (Valley Crossing), the big gravel bar at the confluence of the south fork has split into two channels: one running right through the alder riparian zone, and a shallower one that has breached the gravel bar. The gravel bar is very low in height compared with previous years.”

“The willows planted by Matrix of Change a few years ago on the north bank of Valley Crossing have weathered the floods well. They were protected by a well-located natural gravel bar long enough to establish enough size to withstand some recent erosion. They form an even line at the end of a recent sand bar (a high beach) above the main gravel bar on the north shore, just downstream of the south fork confluence. The shrubs are now up to 9 feet tall or more. Some of the redwood saplings they planted higher on the floodplain also are doing well, and are now around 6 feet tall.”