“Broken Top”
An Art Exhibit by Local Artist and Naturalist, Liam Ericson
Saturday-Sunday, March 19-20, 12-4 pm
Birdsong Clinic and Tea Room
The Sea Ranch Center, Verdant View off Annapolis Road
For years, Annapolis resident, Liam Ericson, has explored the wilds of the Gualala River watershed, seeking out old growth redwood trees to photograph and document. The trees and the wildlife associated with them are inspiration for his art, captured in visionary wood and linoleum prints. On Saturday and Sunday, March 19th and 20th, some of his prints will be on display at the Birdsong Clinic and Tea Room, hosted by Melinda Mills.
Friends of Gualala River encourages you to stop by and view these extraordinary pieces that capture the wild beauty of the watershed in dreamscapes. Some of you may remember that in June 2020, FoGR hosted a webinar with Liam presenting beautiful photographs of the Buckeye Forest, one of his favorite places to roam and the wellsprings for his art. Here is a video of that event:
The Birdsong Clinic and Tea Room has a small viewing space that can accommodate a few people at a time, but visitors can enjoy refreshments and seating outside on the deck. For more information, call 707-291-5765 or email birdsongclinic@gmail.com.