Community members who are interested in the future of the Gualala River will want to hear hydrologist, Greg Kamman, speak on the current state of water flows in the river at his presentation:
“Water is Life!
A Hydrologist’s Eye on the Gualala River”
Thursday, May 3, 2018
5:30 to 7:00 pm
Gualala Arts Center

Greg Kamman started studying the Gualala River nearly two decades ago and it became the subject of his master’s thesis. He has completed numerous technical studies and reports on the Gualala River watershed since then and was the lead investigator and co-author of the 2007 Gualala River Estuary Assessment and Enhancement Plan.
Friends of Gualala River has invited Mr. Kamman to talk about the many factors that can have an effect upon the river, since this subject is of universal interest to those who live, work and vacation here. Regardless of the sources of impact to a river — whether natural or human-induced — the health of the river affects everyone and everything in the watershed.
Whether drinking Gualala River water, kayaking or fishing in it, using it to irrigate land, or harvesting the trees that rely upon the river, everyone has a stake in its health. Community members want to know: Is there enough flow to support healthy fish populations? What impacts do water withdrawals have? Are we maintaining the quality of the water? Will climate change have an impact? And what types of restoration are possible within the watershed?
Since his first acquaintance with the river, Mr. Kamman has continued to watch the changing water flows that characterize the entire system of the river and its tributaries. In 1997 he founded Kamman Hydrology and Engineering, Inc. in San Rafael, a natural resources consulting firm specializing in watershed, wetlands, estuarine and coastal protection, restoration and enhancement.
His broad experience in providing professional hydrology services in the Coast Range watersheds of California has included evaluating the quality of surface and groundwater resources, assessing causes of stream instability and water quality responses to land-use changes, and designing and overseeing construction of stream and wetland ecosystem enhancement project.
For more information on Mr. Kamman visit For more information on Friends of Gualala River, please visit