Here are some events sponsored by the California Native Plant Society’s Dorothy King Young Chapter, which are focused on the wealth of local native plants, taking place in the Gualala River watershed during California Native Plant Week (April 15-22, 2018).
Wednesday, April 18 at 1 pm
Riparian walk (river bed and banks) on the Gualala River Wheatfield Fork near Haupt Creek. Park on the west side of the Haupt Creek Bridge on Stewart’s Point-Skaggs Spring Road. Water-tolerant footwear is a necessity to cross knee-deep water. Leader: Peter Baye.
Sunday, April 22 at 1 pm
Skaggs Spring Road. The walk is along the road looking at the rich diversity of plant species found in this area. This area is shady in the morning and can be cool, so dress accordingly. Park at the east side of Haupt Creek Bridge. Leader: Nancy Morin.
These two walks will focus on different plants. In addition, there will be wildflowers (some from the Gualala River watershed) on display at the Coast Community Library in Point Arena during the week. For a complete schedule of all of the events, go to and check the second page of the newsletter.