Friends of Gualala River (FoGR) held a successful Public Forum recently. One of the highlights was the presentation of the importance of the Gualala River’s floodplain by Dr. Peter Baye. If you missed the Forum, you can download a pdf version of Peter’s slideshow presentation.
Peggy Berryhill of KGUA radio also recorded some of Peter’s presentation that night, though the sound quality of our microphone/speakers wasn’t the best. You can listen to Peggy’s edited recording at the same link. We thank Peggy for recording and providing these excerpts.
At the Public Forum, two projects were presented by the Education and Outreach Committee of FoGR:
- Purchasing and installing “Entering the Gualala River Watershed” signs.
- A raised-relief topographical map table to be installed at the Visitors’ Center at Gualala Point Regional Park. This topo table would have a 3-D mold of the Gualala River’s entire watershed. An overhead projector will give locals and visitors a look at a myriad of things, including watching Steelhead Trout travel upriver.
FoGR is currently raising monies to fund these two great projects.
With our on-going mission to protect the Gualala River, FoGR continues to contest the logging plan in the floodplain called “Dogwood,” and another equally destructive new logging plan called “Little.” This takes money and a great deal of commitment by the all-volunteer FoGR Board of Directors and the FoGR Working Group. You can help us and support us by becoming a member of FoGR.
Membership levels can be found below. Please join me in becoming a member of FoGR (online) or by sending a check to:
Friends of Gualala River
PO Box 1543
Gualala, CA 95445
All donations are most gratefully appreciated. Friends of Gualala River is an affiliate of the Redwood Coast Watersheds Alliance, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization recognized by the IRS (EIN# 68-0207591). Your donation may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Consult with your tax advisor or IRS to determine whether a contribution is deductible.
Membership in Friends of Gualala River is free for students 18 and under (students: send us an email: info@gualalariver.org), with adult memberships starting at only $25.
Annual membership levels:
Coast Lily $25 Red-legged Frog $50 Steelhead $100 Western Pond Turtle $250 Bald Eagle $500 Coast Redwood $1,000 Other amount $_____
Join us!
If you are interested in becoming more active in FoGR and would like to join the Working Group, please send me an email at jackson2@mcn.org and I will see you are invited to the next meeting.
Thank you for caring. Thank you for helping us speak for the river.
Jeanne Jackson
Member of the Board of Directors of FoGR, and
Mendonoma Sightings columnist and author.