By Jeanne Jackson, Treasurer
We Would Love to Have Your Support
For nearly 30 years FoGR has relied solely on the hard work of volunteers who donated their time for the day-to-day operation of our organization. As mentioned above, we’ve now hired a part-time staff person to carry out the work of the TMDL program, among other projects. That program exists thanks to your previous generous donations, which paid for our attorney costs to negotiate the settlement with the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board as described in Dylan’s article above.
Now more than ever, we will need your help. The combined costs of our stormwater consultant together with the expenses of on-going water quality monitoring in the estuary and the gathering of stormwater samples for lab analysis shared with The Stream Team are significant. We are gathering scientific knowledge that can help us in the future to continue with our mission to ensure that the Gualala water quality is improved and protected. Your donations will help us carry on these ambitious programs. Thank you for your continued support!
To donate by credit card (or Paypal):
If you prefer to write a check, please send it to:
Friends of Gualala River, PO Box 1543, Gualala, CA 95445
We welcome volunteers as well. If you have a skill that you would like to share with us or if you are interested in participating in one of our programs, please contact us at
For more information about FoGR’s work, please visit our website at